EU Pay Transparency Transposition Tracker

| June 27, 2024 | 2 min read
EU Pay Transparency Transposition Tracker

We are in a new era of transparency. The EU Pay Transparency Directive is the most comprehensive piece of pay and workplace equity law in the world enacted since the 1960s. It is posed to change workplace equity in Europe — and also around the globe, if the ongoing trend of global cross-pollination of workplace equity continues. 

The EU Pay Transparency Directive now must be transposed by each of the 27 member states in the European Union. The clock is ticking: member states have only until 7 June 2026 to transpose the Directive into local law. 

Keeping up with the status of each member state is time-consuming and complex. To help, our team of experts has compiled this status tracker showing where all 27 member states stand on transposing the EU Pay Transparency Directive — and guidance for how to get ahead of compliance and set yourself up for success.


Current status of transposing the EU Pay Transparency Directive, by member state

Member State Status Draft Legislation Final Legislation Effective Date
Austria No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Belgium No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Croatia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Cyprus No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Czechia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Denmark No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Estonia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Finland No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
France No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Germany German officials announced they plan to transpose the legislation by the end of the 2024 legislative session

Link to summary
No No Not yet set
Greece No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Hungary No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Ireland No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Italy No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Latvia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Lithuania No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Luxembourg No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Malta No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Netherlands No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Poland No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Portugal No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Romania No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Slovakia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Slovenia No official announcement yet No No Not yet set
Spain No official announcement yet; indication that draft is in process No — there has been indication that a draft is in process (date TBD) No Not yet set
Sweden On 29 May 2024, the Swedish Ministry of Labor and Employment received the investigative report into the implementation and transposition of the EU Pay Transparency Directive. This report includes draft legislation

Link to report and draft legislation
Link to summary
No Not yet set


How leading brands are preparing

The EU Pay Transparency Directive must be transposed by 7 June 2026, then reporting follows on 7 June 2027. 

This may feel far away — but since the first report is based on 2026 salaries, your next compensation cycle may be your last chance to make changes before your pay gap data is “locked in” for public reporting. 

Now is the time to straighten out your data, flag inequities, and start fixing them — paving the way for a narrative of progress and success in your upcoming reports. Don’t run out of time to correct pay gaps incrementally, in the most efficient and cost-effective way, before you have to share them publicly.

Syndio can help you get prepared. Our Workplace Equity Analytics Platform speeds up analyses, offers remediation strategies, and streamlines reporting. From there, you’ll be well positioned to address the other requirements of the Directive, from posting equitable salaries to confidently communicating about pay — whether responding to an individual employee’s questions or sharing a broader corporate narrative.


Get all the resources you need to start preparing for the EU Pay Transparency Directive, including a compliance guide, cheat sheet, FAQs, and global pay reporting calculator. Our team can also show you how our platform helps put your organization ahead.


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