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Quantifying the Opportunity Gap

Global enterprise arms recruiters with insights that help maintain equitable pay

We are leaders in our industry and we want to be leaders in pay equity."

Adam Swanlund
Compensation Manager
Elevance Health

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Health Insurance

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Forecast closing gap

Use Case

Maintain equitable pay

Workplace Equity Resources


Ensuring consistent, equitable pay for every new hire

Executive Opportunity Gap - Relative likelihood of being an executive compared to white men


Syndio's Pay Equity Platform PayEQ®, Syndio's Pay Finder™, and Syndio's Expert Consulting

Executive opportunity gap forecast


  • 25% reduction in pay equity remediation costs
  • 6% decrease in time to fill roles
  • 6% increase in offer acceptance rate
  • Increased trust and improved employer brand

reduction in 
pay equity remediation costs

increase in offer acceptance rate

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Increased trust and improved employee brand

decrease in time to fill roles

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Needing to consistently deliver equitable offers

When generating offers, Elevance Health always took internal pay equity into consideration, but managers had limited access to enterprise information. Managers could only look at individuals who reported to them or within a single geography but didn't have statistical analysis based on employees doing substantially similar work more broadly across the company to determine what was equitable and guide their pay decisions.

"Managers didn't know what they didn't know," says Swanlund. As a result, managers would propose offers that were competitive with market rates, but not always in line with internal pay equity. Elevance Health sought a solution to get managers and recruiters in sync with the compensation team to deliver competitive offers that don't create new pay disparities.

This is game changing. Pay Finder informs the conversation between recruiters and hiring managers, guiding the right decisions; it's a partnership. For candidates, you can see them become more at ease and comfortable continuing the conversation because pay is no longer a question. And employees know that we've taken appropriate steps to be fair and equitable."

Adam Swanlund
Compensation Manager
Elevance Health

Black Women

Pay equity efforts lower remediation costs, drive recruiting efficiencies

The transformation over the last two years — including the comp team's partnership in the recruitment process and the implementation of Pay Finder — is already delivering results that impact the business.

The data that Pay Finder provides helps me clearly explain why we pay what we pay and supports fair offers for both internal and external talent."

Lindsay Holt
Senior Recruiter
Elevance Health

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Looking Ahead
What's next: Using Pay Finder to guide all pay decisions

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