Salesforce Scales Pay Equity Using Syndio

Salesforce Scales Pay Equity Using Syndio
White men make up 31% of all employees

Company-wide commitment to pay fairness

We chose to partner with Syndio because their core purpose is pay equity, and their team is going to be farther ahead in their thinking, so they could push us and we could learn from them."

Stan Dunlap
Former EVP of Global Rewards

How are different groups represented in different job groups?


Technology & software

What is the opportunity gap by industry?


56K+ in 28 countries

How are different groups represented in different job groups - mid level officials

Use Case

  • First-time analysis
  • Global pay equity
White men


Scaling pay equity analysis 
as Salesforce grew and 
expanded globally

How are different groups represented in different job groups - Craft Workers


  • Syndio's Pay Equity Platform PayEQ
  • Syndio's Expert Consulting
How are different groups represented in different job groups Sales Workers


  • Improves long-term pay equity
  • Lowers per-employee 
remediation costs
  • Boosts employer brand
  • Helps attract and retain top talent
manager gap forecast
Latina Women

In-house pay equity analysis model ran its course

Salesforce initially handled pay equity in-house, using a model built by their data science team. But as the company grew and the team advanced their thinking on pay equity, it became clear that maintaining the model internally had run its course.

"The bigger we got and the more global we got, the more challenging it became to do this in-house," explains Dunlap. Salesforce decided to partner with a proven expert in pay equity to ensure agility and effectiveness as they scaled.

How are different groups represented in different job groups - Operatives

Two priorities: expertise plus technology

Having a third-party partner like Syndio has allowed us to comfortably focus not on the technology and stats behind the tool itself, but on our strategy and how we approach this for employees. We rely on Syndio to help drive the machinery behind it."

Stan Dunlap
Former EVP of Global Rewards

Black women make up 8.3% of all employees

Looking Ahead
Pay Equity: enhance and expand

Latina women make up 7.5% of all employees

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