In Austria, covered employers must complete an income report, which is intended to answer two questions: First, are men and women classified fairly? Second, are men and women paid fairly?
To this end, the gender pay gap law in Austria requires that employers report the following:
- Demographics by “usage group”: Employers will need to report on the number of women and men in each usage group (“Verwendungsgruppe”). Think of a usage group as a way to compare employees. For many employers in Austria, employees will be grouped by company job classifications or by the job classifications used in the collective agreements. If you are not sure how to group employees, Syndio’s team of global pay reporting experts can help.
- Demographics by usage group year: Employers will also need to report on the number of men and women in each usage group by tenure or age (“Verwendungsgruppenjahre”). For example, two female mid-level managers with different tenures (e.g., 5 years vs.15 years) would have different “Verwendungsgruppenjahre” — a metric reflecting their years of service within their usage group.
- Overall pay gap by usage group and usage group year: Employers will also need to calculate the median or mean remuneration (pay) of women and men within each usage group and usage group year. The results are presented as the percentage of women’s income compared to men’s income within each group.
For customers using Syndio’s Global Pay Reports, we offer a thorough breakdown of the required and optional data to simplify the preparation of your Austria report.
To protect data privacy, the report must be prepared anonymously (i.e., without names or personal numbers).