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Syndio + NYSE = Stronger Companies

| September 13, 2022 | 2 min read
Syndio + NYSE

Today, Syndio is pleased to be partnering with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to help NYSE listed companies tackle the ‘S’ in ESG. This is both a wonderful opportunity for these companies and for Syndio.

This partnership goes beyond enabling companies to check a pay equity box. The NYSE/Syndio collaboration helps listed companies address workplace equity with substance, muscle, measurement and action – the things that so far have been missing from the ‘S’ conversation.

Does workplace equity matter? Does it make companies more durable? More likely to withstand the ups and downs of market tumult? Do those with equitable practices outperform those without? Is there proof that workplace equity (as measured by pay + opportunity equity) is fundamental for business success in the 21st century?

If your company, like many others, is struggling with a fracturing of trust between employer and employee, this may be a solution for you. Companies come to Syndio because committing to workplace equity strengthens their relationship with their people. Employees are not a commodity. They are not “capital.” They are individuals who want a voice. They want to know their employer is worthy of their time, effort and labor. Employers who view their employees as an expense or “human capital” – including some of the world’s best brands – are seeing newfound activism, including home-grown unions. As we emerge from Covid, and coming off the largest social movement in American history, employees are demanding pay transparency and equal opportunities as concrete proof of an employer’s values.

Our value proposition is that we help companies measure workplace equity, set real benchmarks, and ultimately value people for who they are and the contributions they bring.

To us, that’s good business and good ethical practice. If people use those metrics for ESG reports, to comply with new laws, tout their progress with their people in town halls, or quietly just to run a better, more equitable company — that’s all great.

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