2022 Workplace Equity Communications Lookbook

We've identified several trends in how leading companies are being transparent about their workplace equity efforts, data, and outcomes. Explore the lookbook below.


2022 Workplace Communications Lookbook

Being transparent about workplace equity is a competitive advantage.

But what does effective workplace equity communication look like? What suits your brand and your journey?

To inspire your own workplace equity communications, we curated a range of publicly available examples from 20+ companies — from blog posts, videos, infographics, and press releases to in-depth DE&I and ESG reports and web pages. How reporting looks varies across organizations, but these leading brands are setting themselves apart by sharing their goals, metrics, and progress with clear, creative visuals and messaging.

As these examples show, workplace equity communication is so much more than a dry compliance exercise. When done well, it embodies your brand, creating another connection point with the audiences that matter most to you.

Disclaimer: This lookbook was built using publicly available workplace equity communications. Inclusion in the lookbook does not imply any relationship between Syndio and these companies.

Click any section below to navigate through the lookbook.

Showing progress over time


Showing progress over time

Being creative but clear with data visualizations


Being creative — but clear — with data visualizations



Going deep into multiple facets of workplace equity

Laptop Icon


Using multiple formats for different audiences

Reflecting your brand personality in your workplace equity narrative


Reflecting your brand personality in your workplace

Earning External Validation


Earning external validation

Ready to put your workplace equity communication plans into action?

The examples showcased above demonstrate how proactive transparency around workplace equity can become a brand advantage in a world where this information influences brand reputation, investment analyses, career decisions, and consumer purchasing choices. Being transparent about your workplace equity goals, efforts, and achievements allows you to shape the overall narrative of progress at your company — what you're doing to get from where you are today to where you want to be.

And, as you can see, there's no one "right" way to communicate about workplace equity. As long as you're aligning your communications strategy with your company objectives and people goals, you'll be doing it right.

Now it's your turn to put transparency into action. Check out our Workplace Equity Communications Playbook for guidance on the nuts and bolts of how to develop your own communications strategy, step by step.

Ready to get started?